[FGO] Servant Analysis : Parvati

Parvati - Goddess of Love and Devotion 

Alright, here's my very first servant review on this blog. Today, Parvati's on the spot. She's a Servant I dearly love (and didn't expect to as she spooked me), and didn't see much reviews so I decided to make one. Read to your heart's content and skip the lore if necessary. 

Parvati works a a semi-support Servant with an AoE Quick NP. Secondary effect : 60% chance to inflict Charm to anyone, be it woman or monster, so it's not male-only. Her star generation is quite generous, and she enjoys the 110% damage modifier from her class. Do not fear her low attack (8,127 on level 80), the latter and the crits make up for it. Following Skadi's inclusion to the JP server, the Quick metagame is no longer a distant dream! 

Long story short, let be said that Parvati's whole character is built around her excellent skills and NP spam. 


Lore-wise, Parvati is a bit of an oddball. She's a Pseudo-Servant, meaning that an Heroic (in this case, Divine) Spirit hijacked FSN Sakura Matou's body, much like Ishtar or Jaguar Man. Interestingly enough, she manifested as a Lancer (wielding Shiva's trident) who only took "Sakura's good parts". This choice makes sense, not only in the fact that she is indeed the epitome of femininity, but also of the Parvati/Durga duality. I expect this to be exploited -who knows when- in game. Also, Parvati's rate up usually occurs around Heaven's Feel promotion phase, which further supports this argument - as this movie introduces more insight on her character, i.e Dark Sakura. 



Parvati stars a pretty good deck, typical Lancer actually. With her Quick NP, she can generate a FUCK TON of stars (around 50-60 stars, and by golly I don't even know if you pair her with Lancer Raikou) and that's exactly what she should be used for. She's a bit low on the Arts department, but Quick Chains often make up for it. If you really want to use Arts as well pair her up so that she could perform efficient chains.

Active Skills

Imaginary Around EX 
This skill increases her Quick performance and NP generation for 3 turns, ranging from 10% to 30% at max level. It's a very good one, as it strenghtens her NP and makes NP spamming easier. This skill should be prioritized because of damage output. Cooldown starts at 7, then 5 at level 10. 
Ashes of Kama EX
This skill increases four (4) excellent things: attack, defense, critical star generation and debuff resistance for 1 turn. It's pretty interesting and deadlier at higher levels, this skill should be leveled and maxed if possible first along the first one. It works very well with her NP : one Quick Chain or Brave Chain and you will very certainly have an efficient 100% Crit deck afterwards. 
Cooldown starts at 7, then 5 at level 10.

Ashes of Kama leveling 

Startnp Blessing of the Goddess A+
This skill can only be used if Parvati's NP gauge is 10% or higher because of its demerit : it reduces her own NP gauge by 10%. In exchange it charges an ally NP gauge by 10% (20% at max) and heals 2000 HP (3000 HP at max). This skill is basically what makes her a semi-support. I recommend leveling this skill if you're using her as a support (to Karna, Raikou or Scáthach for example), otherwise the other two should be your priority (Skadi's a good support to her). 
Cooldown starts at 7, then 5 at level 10.

I recommend leveling in this order : 2>1>3 or 1>2>3 if you're using Parvati as a DPS, otherwise you should level the third one. 

Passive Skills 

Anti magic  Magic Resistance A 
This passive increases her debuff resistance by 20%. Not bad, not good per se, a typical Lancer skill. This comes in handy for boss battles against Archer of Shinjuku, since his debuffs are pretty annoying (NP seal etc), or high difficulty battles. 

Goddess essence Core of the Goddess B 
This passive increases her damage by 225 and debuff resistance by 22,5%. While it's basically a mix of magic resistance and divinity passives, it's a nice add-on to her debuff resistance skill. 


Trishula Shakti

Parvati's NP is an AoE Quick NP which has a 60% chance to inflict Charm. It deals around 600% (1000% at max) damage and charges party's NP by 10% (30% at max) as an overcharge effect. While it's AoE, the Charm effect is very interesting : it's not male-exclusive, meaning that you can use it on annoying mobs or any boss. Therefore, she does not suffer from a crippling overspecialization male-killer kit like Orion or Euryale. 

Being able to spam this EX rank NP is the real deal of this character, so I recommend on building a solid Quick/Arts party. She works very well with Skadi, Lancer Raikou or BB. 


Generally, I'd say that there are 3 ways of thinking. It depends on what you're going for. Here are some suggestions: 

• NP power: Demonic Boddhisvata, Black Grail (it's okay as she has high HP), Heaven's Feel 
• NP spam: A Pilgrimage To The Other Side, Cute Orangette, Divine Banquet
• Crit Star Generation/Damage: A Tale of Love and Hope (corrects star absorption and crit damage), Castle of the Sun, Midsummer Moment (for better Quick performance)

Overall, Parvati is a nice Servant - her rarity also makes her NP leveling easier. She can work as a Quick powerhouse or a support. Her true power lies in her excellent kit, if not for the crit stars, she would be a bit shabby because of her low attack. I lowkey hope for a NP Strenghtening Quest, but she already works quite well when given the chance. 

And done. If you have any comment/suggestion feel free to do so! Also yes, I didn't mention the discourse over her art nor the religious scandal, because that's really another topic. 


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